Glorious farm and vast padi fields, did we mention the air seems fresher here? There are ponds for fish and prawns too. The families involved in Ch8’s 13-episodes Fresh Farmers(小农夫) were invited back for a get-together and preview.
Boon Kang and Joey “大家好” with the audience, the kids from each episode were tasked to introduce their own “adventure”. We did a brief introduction of Kahang Eco farm (Koref) in another blog post.
The kids involved in Fresh Farmers. Most of us have never been to a farm before, much less toiled in one! So imagine the laughter and surprises when we got our hands dirty. The earthworms, the kids’ innocence and not all are keen to get their hands dirty (Some got to clean horse poo too!). Audience were laughing at ourselves during the preview.
Such fond memories!
(Note : Above schedule has been delayed one week)
Ah Ben and the families from Kahang Eco Farm, catch us on episode 7 (23Aug) and 10 (13Sep) 10am. Joey and Daddy Isaiah from (Jbabies Dad)
The crew, especially Peggy and Keat were a great help. Besides their own busy schedule and load, they still have to look after our needs. 谢谢!
Appreciate the hardworking background crew too. Soundman, videoman always take the lead and wade deep into muddy zones. Their work ethics are highly professional and commendable.
Billiard in a farm, and motorcycle ride! Not part of the video production, but it showcase how we can find FUN anywhere!
Catch us toiling and making fun in the padi field! It is hard work to slog under the sun.
Through Fresh Farmers, we hope the kids will better appreciate where their rice and crops come from.
Perhaps more will treasure their meals, and not waste food.
*the first episode should have been 05July (today), but has been postponed one week
** we will try to share more farm-actions nearer to our episodes
*** Read more about farm stay here
**** Updated 2017Jun – Toggle Ch8 video link, we are Season 1 Episode 10
Wow, what an interesting experience! How did you come to be involved in this? We don’t usually watch TV but will try to remember to tune in to catch you and your boys on the show 🙂
Mummybean recently posted…Why I Love My Wet Market: Empress Market
Word of mouth recommendation, Vera 🙂
Thank you for your support !
This is truly a learning experience (not through books) that the children will remember!
Phoebe recently posted…Rediscover Singapore Stories with Sands of Time (Sentosa)
Yes Phoebe, we went back to the farm a second time as we love our initial farming experience!
It is indeed an enriching experience for your family! Looking forward to watch the series!
Waiwai recently posted…Celebrating SG50 – What Singapore Means To Me
Thanks Wai Wai, fun opportunity for me to bond with boy alone 🙂
Wahaha! Your kiddos (plus you) must have had a lot of fun! We have not been on a farm before too, it must be a real experience! Thanks for sharing, will record the show for my son to watch!
Audrey @ SAys! Happy Mums
It was Fun for us, Audrey 🙂
No itinerary, no network, minimum creature comfort, all self-contained.
Yay! Found your comment section from viewing it on the computer. What a cool series =) I can’t wait to go farm hopping too and would love to say, “I cannot wait to watch this series!” Unfortunately, of all the things I can indulge in as soon as I have the time away from the kids, TV is the last on my list. *sobs* musings of a SAHM. Thankful for Toggle! Will sure to catch Sengkang Babies through catch up tv!
Toggle helps me too, will definitely broadcast when boys episode is up 🙂
wow wow wow what an experience for your and the kiddos!! Will try and check out the ep on Ch8.. We hardly watch local TV nowadays haha
Ai Sakura recently posted…Getting Her Ears Pierced at B*dazzle, Singapore
Farm stay is always amazing and refreshing for urban folks.
No aircon, no hot shower, you get the drift 🙂
Alamak! No aircon & no hot shower!!! Kill me first >.< It does seem fun the things your kids get to do. Not everyone have the chance. Good job daddy!!
Shirley @ SAys! Happy Mums
Shirley Yong recently posted…To Market, To Market : Chinatown Complex Market & Food Centre | SAys! Happy Mums
Confirm Fun and experimental, Shirley.
An opportunity for kids to appreciate their “good life” in Singapore 🙂