Ice Skating at Jcube

If you see any of us limping recently, we have a good reason. We were invited by Capital Mall to Jcube’s Ice Rink. Ice skating is super Fun, but tiring 🙂

As we made our way to the Rink, the sight of Ice and Christmas decorations set our hearts fluttering. “Christmas=White=Cold temperature“, our anticipation are heightened Yeah 🙂

Daddy picked a weekday 1030 slot, as he thought there will be less people. So in case Daddy we should fall down, there will be less witnesses haha.

We were so wrong, this rink is very popular during the holidays period.

Thanks to our Capital Mall hosts, Shu Fen and Erza quickly help us to ease into our skating boots.

The ice Rink is inviting us to enter. Some kids are having skating lessons too.

We dispatch the first penguin…

.. followed by the second Penguin 🙂

The penguins are available for rental at $10 per two hour. Sorry, Penguins are for kids only, otherwise Yi and Xin look so adorable gliding on the ice 🙂

First timers will grip the side and slowly pace themselves around the rink, but slowly and surely, we pick up our tempo and our confidence spikes.

Marshall (those in yellow) will help skaters in distress 🙂

Boon Xin in a Winter wonderland of her own.

Family fun, we heard the rink is especially popular for Dads to bond with their kids.

Falling down is part of the fun, however Daddy struggled to find his footing after he fell. Imagine all the diners at the surrounding F&B laughing at the rink side activities 🙂

If you are newbie or fear embarrassment like Daddy, watch this clip before heading to jCube :p

Kids are usually more daring than adults, that explains why Mummy and Daddy could not catch up with them. Ice skating is an Awesome experience and family time for us !

SengkangBabies had so much Fun when we skate, or sometimes fall, would you be interested to experience some cold bliss soon?

Video : Look at the enthusiastic Fun revelers ! Daddy is so happy that our family got to enjoy some family time.

Photo below indicates the opening hours and rates for the rink and accessories.

Thank you Capital Mall for the invite 🙂
We had some early Christmas Fun and celebration at the Rink, and although our ankles are bruised, we are definitely looking forward to more Ice skating Fun.

It is not easy to take a family photo on the Rink, everyone need to stand still, there are so many people skating around, but we got one nice Family photo 🙂

Video : How we survive our skating experience

You must drop by our cool Fanpage for more icy Fun photos.

Jcube Ice Rink :
Website –
Fanpage –
Unit #03-11
Contact – 6684 2374/ 6684 2375

** updated 2013Mar – Do you know about Changi Airport T3’s Red Square ice skating ring? (only for Mar school holidays)