Lego NinjaGo Movie

[ Media Invite ]

We brought our Ninjas to watch Lego NinjaGo Movie earlier (trailer). Ninjago Fans will rejoice at another Lego movie, with all the cool gadgets battling each other out!

But Lego NinjaGo Movie has a story behind the bricks (pardon the pun). We all know Lloyd (Green Ninja) grew up without his Dad.

It seems like everyone knew that Lloyd’s Dad is the bad guy, except Lord Garmadon himself. No wonder little Lloyd was bullied in school and society, everyone blames him for the evil happenings in NinjaGo city!



Lego NinjaGo Movie tells us not to judge others, and we must always be objective. Always look at things from another angle.

Example we see kids misbehaving in MRT and we straightaway assumed no manners or poor parenting (but child might be autistic). Or we see tattoos and finger-point bad influence etc (hey, everyone deserves a second chance even if we make mistakes before, Yellow Ribbon)

Kids might be too young to understand the concepts now, but I hope they will continue to embrace empathy and compassion in their character 🙂


Kids at an earlier Lego Ninjago Challenge

At the movie preview, we got to wear Ninjago masks and try to roleplay Good vs Bad guys. Why Daddy always become the bad guy :p

Lego NinjaGo Movie
Lego NinjaGo Movie

There are some other interesting revelations in Lego NinjaGo Movie:
-The destroyer of Ninjago City is not Lord Garmadon haha
-Lord Garmadon used to have a love story too
-NinjaGos do not leave anyone behind


Grab the latest updates about Lego from their Facebook.
Do pop by our marvelous “Destiny’s Bounty” here.

Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty

[ Sponsored ]

To celebrate the upcoming LEGO Ninjago Movie, a new set of Ninjago kits were released. We were gifted the awesome Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty.

I had wanted to build the boat the boat with the kids over the weekend, but kids were addicted and constructed the boats in under 5 days!

I would prefer Lego over Smartphones any day 🙂

Working hand in hand, one person took charge of one section. We see the sections connecting, from sampan upsize to boat and then a full scale old Chinese junk ship.

This ship would not sail without teamwork and collaboration. I understand from Mum that the kids managed to solve all the constructions between themselves, with minimum supervision.

5 days, 2200+ pieces, weighing a hefty 2.7kg.

Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty is an impressive ship!  No one would dare to disturb the heavily armed Ninjas.

Ninjago Destiny's Bounty
Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty

What we like about Lego is the simple yet detailed instructions. Kids can always celebrate a mini milestone, before embarking on the next segment.

Kids are learning about Project Management, the Lego way 🙂
Breaking down complex tasks into digestible modules.

Ahoy, these anchors can really move!


The honorable Sensei with his staff and Jay checking out the lavatory :p (comes with toilet paper too!)


Video (YouTube link) : Checkout how Ninjago Destiny Bounty sails the sea and its hidden compartments!

Ninjago Destiny Bounty in details. There are certainly a lot of corners for the Ninjago characters to hide.

Zane never miss with his crossbow.


Cole looked intimidating with his sledge hammer!

Ship “commander” Nya standing right at the tip of the bow.


Lloyd keeping watch, ready to drop anchor.

Kai steering the ship.


All the Ninjagos are in good hands, and we trusted engineer Boon Xin to construct a robust and strong boat.


Ninjago Movie premieres from 28 Sep 2017, and this is a short trailer. The soundtrack “Bad Blood” rocks!

From 28 August to 10 September (11am to 9pm), head down to Plaza Singapura to attempt to defeat evil Warlord Garmadon!

Video (YouTube Link): #NinjagoChallenge preview

This event is open to all Lego Ninjago fans, do pop by Lego Facebook for the latest updates.