Happy Feet at Sentosa 4D AdventureLand

[ Media Invite ]

We spotted a new footprint at Sentosa’s Imbiah Lookup.

Remember Mumble, the penguin from Happy Feet? He was the penguin who was a little different, he was the one who started tap dancing in the colony !

Happy Feet Mumble’s Wild Ride!” is Sentosa 4D AdventureLand’s latest ride. This cabin throws us UP (mostly down) at breakneck speed as we raced down alongside the penguins.
Happy Feet 4D Sentosa, Happy Feet Mumba, Happy Feet penguin
(Image credit Cheekiemonkies)

The ride along and Down the cliffs is exhilarating, but it is more Fun when we can scream together with our buddies.

We feel for the poor penguins, it is not Fun to be chased by the vicious leopard seal!
In 4D, we follow poor Mumble as he tries desperately to escape the seal’s jaws.

Who is more cool ?
4D Sentosa AdventureLand  attractions, 4d Sentosa

If we ask Boon Xin (or the smaller kids), her answer might be different.

Sentosa 4D AdventureLand’s interactive entertainment zone is home to three other exciting experiences. You might wish to read our previous experience in June.

We strongly recommend Journey 2. You will love the effects (the 4th D in 4D) when the giant centipede or spider appears :p

(Image credit 4DAdventure)

Desperados, cowboy sheriff stuff hee-huh! It is not everyday that our whole family can engage in some shooting Fun !
4D Sentosa rides,4D Sentosa Desperados, 4D Sentosa horse rides

Video : Check out some of the rides in Sentosa 4D AdventureLand’s clip

Thank you for the invitation, Sentosa 4D AdventureLand.
Our kids were all eager for more Antarctica encores !

More details about 4D AdventureLand are available on their website and Fanpage.

One Day Adventure Pass (unlimited entries on all rides)
Adults : $38.90, Child : $26.90
Opening Hours – 10am to 9pm

KidZania Singapore

Fancy your kids working as a pilot, paramedic, fireman or police?
Or maybe a sushi chef or mechanic?

KidZania Singapore will be opening in 2015, at Sentosa’s Palawan beach.
Kids will have so many careers to role-play then.

(image credit Kidzania Singapore)

Last week, the first six partners were announced. Maybank, Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific, Yakult, Canon, The Soup Spoon, and Killiney ‘Kopitiam’.

(image credit Kidzania Singapore)

As we have just return from Kuala Lumpur’s KidZania, Daddy can vouch that F&B is a good choice for the kids! Imagine them whipping up their own Kaya, packaging their Yakult bottle or serving up piping hot Ox-tail soup !

At Canon, maybe kids can lay their hands on Canon EOS70, or pick up some wicked bokeh skills 🙂

Video : Our KL Kidzania experience was so much FUN, not only for kids, but for adults too !

To quote from Kidzania Singapore :
Unlike other theme parks, KidZania will not have any rides. Instead, it will combine role-playing with real life experiences in a kid-sized city that emulates the workings of a real city to provide unique ‘edutainment’ fun. KidZania features real-world establishments (bank, university, fire station, radio station) and career choices (pilot, surgeon, fashion designer) to help children develop real life skills. By creating a child-centred community experience, KidZania Singapore is set to educate, empower and inspire 4 to 14 year olds by replicating the real world, scaled to a child’s size, in a safe and self-contained city environment.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Daddy’s dream list…

– Will Red Star tim-sum consider setting up a kids academy too?
– Singapore Girl with SIA ?
– Samurai burger with McDonald?

We will leave you with our KL Kidzania experience, pop by video above and our Fanpage photos. If we love it, we believe your family will love to “Work” at Kidzania too 🙂

– More announcements will be announced at KidZania Singapore link–> http://www.kidzania.com.sg/
Kidzania outlets in SE Asia, Jakarta, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur