SG50 Jubilee Baby gift

Singapore celebrates it’s 50th birthday in 2015, and someone thought we should welcome 2015’s babies with a Julibee Gift, something like a good old traditional goodie bag.

Over 6,500 entries were submitted for the Baby Gift/s.

Singaporeans are pragmatic, Daddy suspect the most popular items should be free medical check, free education, free milk powder, cash and vouchers.

But the committee wanted something which falls under the categories “Care, Celebrate and Commemorate” ( ie cash and vouchers not applicable :p )

From now till 15May, the shortlisted 15 gifts are ready for your selection.
What gifts for babies

The nation has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 50 years.
All babies are important, but maybe those born in 2015 are more symbolic.

Those born in 2015 will perhaps lead Singapore into the next 50 years.

Daddy was invited to go on air (95.8) to share his ideal Jubilee Baby Gift. He only wish more parents will spend more time with the kids. They are only young once, and they outgrow their childhood like, overnight!

If we parents make the effort to connect and go through their childhood together, there is a higher chance that the family will be more integrated, stronger, and happier.

Video: Happiness in our Family (credit TheHappinessRevolution)

– Article about Jubilee Baby Gift
– Choose your top 5 gifts here

* poster and image credit – HeyBaby

What is SG50?

To Boon Xin, it means Fun.

Maybe imitating a Karang Guni’s morning call “TV, spoilt Radio, or Ipad”?
Who has seen such a cute rag-and-born man girl before?

Video : … or maybe peddling “ice cream”. It comes with bell too !
Probably not a good idea as Boon Xin might consume too much Wall’s Chocolate wafers!

What about a plate of Yummy Chicken rice ?

Maybe revisit the Dragons, Pelicon or Seals?

Daddy hates the dreaded ERP ! Every motorists are at it’s mercy.

What is SG50?

Singapore will be 50 years old in 2015, do pop by and Fanpage for more events updates.

You are invited to share how you will celebrate SG50 in 2015 🙂

Meanwhile, do bring your kids to SG50 booth outside NLB (National Library).
It will definitely bring back some sweet memories (not only Teh Tarik) for the parents too.

Or you can pop by Channel U’s 100% Singapore 百分百新加坡. Tonight Ch U 8pm will showcase episode 7 (featuring tissue paper chope!).

(Self-advertising, did you catch us in Episode 1 “Nostalgia playground”?)