How to Stay Prepared in an emergency

Sometimes, Daddy acts paranoid and wonder whether we know how to react during a crisis. How do we Stay Prepared?

If the adults are not prepared, what more the kids?

Recently, Temasek Cares distributed “Stay Prepared” bundles (N95 masks and emergency contact numbers) to all homes. We are expecting Indonesia’s Haze to return.

Singapore free n95 masks

What happens when a fire breakout? A lift breakdown?
Do we know which number to dial?
Do kids know how (and where) to shout for help?

Fire Escape HDB
Emergency number lift

More crisis scenarios.

How many of us have experience water and food rationing before?
Do we know where is the nearest bomb shelter (MRT)?
(are you really going to hide in your HDB bomb shelter?)

The Little India riot shows how helpless we can be.
Do we wait for riot police to control the situation?
Do we listen for latest updates on FM radio or TV channel?
What if our TV network is down?

Too many IFs ! We need an Emergency checklist.

It is up to us parents to raise our kids’ safety awareness.
If we adults do not know how to Stay Prepared for an emergency, the kids would be worse off.

Here are some of the basic things which we teach our kids :

1) In the event of a fire.
– evacuate everyone outside
– ask neighbours to call 995
– if fire is huge, head for staicase escape route, walk down the stairs

Kids must know where are the keys, and tall enough to open the doors and run outside.
(We have to assume that adults might be unconscious)

Video : Dry run – Kids walking down HDB staircase

2) Do we know what to do if someone suffers a burn, cut or fall?
Do we know how to apply first aid? (Boon Kang’s bad fall)

Ideally, someone in the home is trained with First Aid. This life saving skill can be helpful in a community.
Where to learn first aid

We need to improve our civic mindfulness too. Some of us have the “not my business” or “someone will do it” mentality. We often heard stories of how vehicles refuse to give way to ambulances !

Video : Look at how Germany give way to emergency services

More information about First Aid
SCDF courses (Learn about First AID, CPR, AED)
– refer poster above, do check with your RC or CC whether they have First Aid awareness courses
Rapid Rescue App, sends a signal to the nearest First Aider (not available for Android)

3) Do we have a First Aid box at home?
Do we know what to keep inside a First Aid box?
Where to buy First Aid box

4) Besides the First Aid box, an Emergency Grab Bag will come in useful too.
More about Stay Prepared campaign.

During a war, or terrorist attack, how do we respond? How do we keep in contact?
Some of the things which we take for granted :
– torchlight
– FM radio
– can opener (during Reservist, we realised cocktails cans are useless without the can opener!)
– batteries!

Sometimes, we always assume that Somehow Someone will know Something!
(or worse, government will handle everything)

If we parents are not prepared, who will protect our family?

How to go to Fire Station open house

– Every Sat from 9 to 11am, do pop by your neighbourhood Fire Stations open house. Take the opportunity to educate the kids about safety awareness (our Fire station visit)

Blood Donation anyone?

What can we learn from the Riot?

One whole generation has grown up in peaceful Singapore.
Yesterday’s Channel News footage of rioting did not happen in Bangkok, but right in our own Little India.

We now know the riot was triggered by a bus accident which leads to the death on a foreign worker. A sad incidence, but the actions which happen afterwards were uncalled for.

Youtube footages showcase overturned police vehicles and burning ambulance.
It was fortunate that no one was seriously hurt.

More shocking than the rioting and disorder are the online comments.

Similar to the recent “annonymous hacking” incidence, a group of people were out in force spreading half truths and chanting racial slurs.

The comments were unhelpful and adding fuel to fire. Some examples are :
– send them back to their countries
– insulting slurs to Indian’s darker pigment
– along the way, someone will mention “why Singapore so many Foreign Talents” again
– Police only know how to bully residents

I can explain the physical riot to my children, but I could not find a logical explanation for the online rioters‘ agenda.

Yes, you can hate the government or the politicians, but you do not side with the enemies or troublemakers to harm Singaporeans. It is only a matter of time before we read “sensational” reporting from websites like TheRealSingapore.

(For the record, I seek alternate views, but some websites are only out to draw blood, spread half truths and fan raw sentiments)

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What can we learn from this rioting incidence?

1) Remind our kids that nothing can be taken for granted, be it peace or safety

2) We can be frank and admit that racial harmony and integration is an ongoing process. All it takes is some idiotic comments to stress Singapore’s racial harmony

3) When we see a Police officer or Paramedic (Hometeam), we can show some appreciation, he/she is keeping Singapore safe. Hometeam should organise more events to engage the community, like the recent open house

4) For a few hours during the riot, Singapore Police Force’s Fanpage and ChannelNewsAsia kept Repeating the same message :

“Police confirmed a riot at .. public stay away.. and situation is under control”

We are lucky that the situation was under control.
– What happen if the riot spreads?
– What happen if there are more casualties?
– What happen if we need to contact our loved ones who might be in the vicinity?
– Are we supposed to rely on ChannelNewsAsia (CNA) as the source of update?

During that few hours, with a lack of information, everyone went online for the latest updates. That’s when speculations and untruths spurn out of proportion.

(Most people would feel uncomfortable watching police vehicles and ambulance burning)

We need an official voice and medium, someone with authority to update the latest situation. Having an official update at 1.30am might be too late.

=== === === === === ===

If you have not been to Little India before, do pop by when things have settle down.
Absorb the surroundings, take in the burst of colours, and yes, the scents.
Our previous trip to Little India.

Majority of Indians (be it from India, Bangladesh) are peace-loving hardworking folks.
They are here in Singapore so that their families can enjoy a better life.

If the kids come up from this episode less gullible, and not taking Singapore’s safety and peace for granted, it will be a positive start.