Boon Xin 9th Birthday

Happy 9 years old, Boon Xin 🙂
This photo was taken when she was 2.


From young, our princess is a feisty fellow. Ah Xin can be very strong willed and independent,  but Boon Xin always has our family in her heart.

Daddy and Mummy just want her to be Happy and Chirpy, always 🙂

Tsum Tsum cake
Tsum Tsum cake

Thank you to (Facebook and Instagram) for the cute Tsum Tsum cake! Boon Xin specially requested for Tsum Tsum as she remembered the cute  characters from her 8th birthday link .

We got an ice-cream drip cake for this round, this is still one of the cutest Tsum Tsum cake in the market 🙂

As part of the celebration, we also did a mini-filming for a Father’s Day segment on Ch8 news segment.

We would be sharing how families can have Fun in Singapore, without going to huge expenses. Try Parks, Sports and the great outdoors.

My idea is simply to drag the kids out of the house, so they would be less addicted to electronic devices.


Jenga and Monopoly are some of the family activities which we can enjoy at home 🙂

Managing our Family is all about Managing our Expectations, I admit this is Easier said than done. We are trying to encourage our kids to think Positive and aim for their Dreams.

How can we forget about Studies and homework? We pretend to be studious haha.

When you have teenagers, it is harder to ask them to cooperate during photo shoot (blog engagements eg).

I am honoured that my teenagers were very cooperative that day. They really 给我面子 (Give Face) haha.

I was telling the Mrs that this could be the last time SengkangBabies are filmed as kids are now older and might value their privacy more.

We are always advocating Sports for family bonding. Besides keeping fit, it is a great opportunity to keep our family strong.

I hope kids will pick up Sportsmanship traits like discipline and grit.

Do visit our Running, Hiking, Cycling and Camping features for more ideas.

These kids trash me in basketball, but I do not mind.  I am proud that the older siblings will pass down basketball tips to the younger ones.

No need to be professional players, I just want them to enjoy their sports and pursue their passions.


Did you notice our sports-themed attire? Whenever I go running, I will choose a kids-size finisher Tshirt for them.

YES, Boon Xin ran 21km :p

Spending the evening with her favourite folks, and food 🙂
奶奶 joined us at Sushi Tei for some yummy Japanese treats.

Sushi Teh
Sushi Teh

Another Birthday gone. Very Soon, all my kids will be teenagers, but we are still calling them Sengkang Babies haha.

As long as our kids are Happy and Healthy, we parents will be contented 🙂

Sharing our previous Fun filming engagements :

Blog:人气满屋 (Season 2, EP2)

Blog:百分百新加坡 (No7 Old Playground)

Blog:小农夫 (Season 1, EP10)
Video :

Vasectomy Singapore, birth control for the man

Reference for Vasectomy Singapore, this topic raised a lot of pent-up (pardon the pun) questions in Daddy Matters (closed FB group) recently.

Vasectomy does not reduce your sexual performance nor your manliness.

We guys sometimes wondered about Vasectomy (结扎), the benefits and comparison with ligation. We wanted to hear from someone who had done it before, as we are curious about potential side effects.

Vasectomy family planning
4 kids enough for us

It is a hush hush topic as we usually do not go around asking our colleagues, neighbours or kopi kakis about birth control, more specifically sterilisation. It is just not in guys’ DNA to talk about Family Planning (Asia is still quite conservative, and in some societies, male-sterilisation is taboo)

The Dads discussed about the pros and cons of Vasectomy, doctors (Urologist) reference, and surgical fees. The online feedback was fruitful, blunt and honest, yet reserving some level of privacy.

I would find it hard to discuss birth control face to face, too much intimacies to reveal :p

Vasectomy Singapore : It is not only about our manhood and mojo (libido)

Man’s health and family planning, Vasectomy might not be suitable for everyone. I hope this blog post will clear some doubts and raise awareness about the benefits.

Perhaps, more husbands will be encouraged to take a snip for the wife and family 🙂 (In case you are still clueless, Vasectomy is sterilisation for Man, there is an image under FAQ Section)


Ligation, Pill, Condom, Vasectomy etc

(withdrawal method is not birth control :p )

I did my Vasectomy back in 2009. It took me so long to blog about my experience as I am a conservative chap.

(Hint: Try not to YouTube Vasectomy as the procedure can be very graphic, I still feel uncomfortable at the thought of someone manhandling my testicles)

Most chaps (and even females) might assumed Birth Control equal Ligation. Some will expect the Mrs to stitch (ligate) after the last child’s birth.

Our spouse has to undergo the pain and trauma of childbearing, I truly believe we HUSBANDS can afford to take a few stitches for our darlings!

Read on if you wish to discover more about birth control options for the family.

1) Vasectomy Myths

– Although we are in 21st century, there are still a lot of myths about Vasectomy. Come on, go Google for the truth.

– This procedure is very common in Europe and US

– It is not castration (physical or medical), and procedure will not make you an eunuch (公公) !

– The procedure will not harm your manhood nor libido, and your testosterone level will not be affected.

– Vasectomy will not cause erectile dysfunction and you can still fulfill a husband’s sexual duties.

Let me share why your sexual experience might improve too.

2) Advantages of Vasectomy

– Faster recovery compared to ligation, and less side effects. Tying the fallopian tubes immediately after childbirth might be less effective

– Vasectomy is cheaper and faster (2 to 3 hours) compared to ligation

– Technically, the man is “infertile” as the tubes (vas deferens) carrying the sperm had been sealed/snipped

– Easier to reverse the procedure compared to ligation (although we should go in with the mindset of no U-turn)

– Procedure only requires local anesthesia, ie safer and cheaper ( will grimace more from embarrassment than pain, as you are awake and aware that everyone in Operating Theatre can see your jewels)

– No more condoms, FREEDOM for couple!

– No more counting of ovulation window ( forecasting safe penetration)

– Husband and wife can be amorous after one week, although Doctor will caution about being too vigorous (you know yourself)

– Confident that I will not produce another baby, couple can relax more and enjoy the pleasures of love making ( Hooray!)

Happy Family
Happy Family

3) So, is Vasectomy for me?

Besides the surgical procedure. There are other considerations, which will be highlighted by your specialist.

– Couple must make a conscious decision about birth control. Four kids are definitely enough for me and wife :p

– Research and shortlist the Urology clinics (and consultants) in Singapore

– Private and Public fees are different, ask whether you can claim from Medisave or insurance

– Technically, reversal of Vasectomy is possible, but we should go through with a mindset of no U-turn

– Specialist consultations will share more about the procedure and help you come to a decision. We heard stories of reversal due to Unforeseen circumstances :

a) Death of child
b) Need to harvest cord blood of new birth to save siblings
c) Re-marriage
(no right or wrong answers above)

– Some men do stray after the procedure, blame the new “freedom” (same reasoning for Viagra)

– Do Google for “Side effects” and discuss your concerns with Doctor

– Although rare, there are instances of failed Vasectomy. As with all medical procedures (and condoms), there can never be 100% guarantee


4) Vasectomy FAQ

– Hard to illustrate before/after Vasectomy, see this image

– Penile functions will not degrade. You can definitely masturbate and achieve an erection ( Sexual health topics are very subjective )

– You will be able to ejaculate fluid, just that sperm is no longer present (in Army lingo, shoot Blanks)

– Fees between Public and Private can range from $800 to $2000 (estimation from 8 years ago). If you do not mind, please share latest rate with me

– Vasectomy Singapore procedure is day surgery about 2 to 3 hours, only local anesthesia is needed

– Small incisions on both scrotums are needed to disconnect the tubes. Besides slight swelling post procedure, the external wound should fully heal within months

– Not painful, only mild discomfort

– Recovery expected within a few days, but I was told to go easy on sports

Family planning Singapore
Family planning, Vasectomy Singapore

So if you are still wondering whether we are planning to expand SengkangBabies, you have the answer now 🙂

I hope the above pointers would help to allay some of your concerns and fears. Naturally, the No 1 concern for most chaps are post-Vasectomy performance.

You may email me for my Doctor and additional details.


This post hopes to raise awareness about male contraception Vasectomy. If I should misrepresent some processes or my explanations are vague, do correct me. Birth control is a serious topic, pardon my attempt to inject some humour into subject.


.. updated 2018 Apr – One of my readers highlighted Khoo Teck Puat’s bill :

– Referral from Polyclinic
– Total Charge $979
– Medisave $685
– Balance $293

.. 2019 July – Thanks AL, updated Vasectomy Singapore fees from Changi General hospital.

Before/after Medisave is $721 and $200 respectively