Universal Studios Singapore for family

[ Media Invite ]

Far Far Away in Shrek’s kingdom, we found Universal Studios Singapore (USS). It was here that we embark on a Easter Egg Hunt earlier. The next best thing after the Fun egg hunt, we get to experience USS’ rides earlier.

There are seven worlds in Universal Studios, but there is only one ride which you cannot miss (Pop by USS interactive map here)
Uss Map, USS 7 worlds

Before the crowd stream in at 10am, we dashed with Cheekiemonkies towards the Transformers 3D ride. (Normal waiting time can be 45mins + of winding queues)

Transformer The Ride rocks ! We spin, drift and smash through buildings ! We must protect Allspark at all cost. After a while, we are absorbed into the 3D Transformer world, and completely lose our orientation.
Transformer 3D ride Singapore, Uss Transformer

Transformer The Ride is the coolest 3D ride that we have ever experienced, that’s us in the blue Autobot (Evac) trying to run away from Decepticon! (Experience 4.5/5)

(image credit USS)

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee gladly welcome photo-ops with humans. They look cool.
Group photo with Transformers
Bumble Bee at Universal Studios

In the background, the blue and red Galactica, not so cool anymore, since it will be dismantled soon. (experience 5*/5, catch hair raising video clip here)
Galactica closure, Galactica last ride

Daddy role play as Treasure Hunter with the smaller kids. Creepy crawlies, cobras and crocodiles waiting to ambush passengers.

Everyone is thrilled to throttle their own car.

(Experience for kids 3.5/5)

Tall, muscular and sexy Egyptians at Ancient Egypt.

Those who have seen Mummies will be able to identify the Egyptian demi-gods.

In terms of interaction, you cannot get a wetter experience than Waterworld !
For best exposure experience, grab a seat in the Blue Zone.

The spectators will get a chance to spray water at the actors too.

.. but the actors got pails! Pity those who are seated in the front rows as they become fair games and torrents of water were splash in their direction!

Our kids remarked that they will love to sit front row again. Crazy but wacky fun, even Daddy’s DSLR was not spared from the water attack.

Watch our video below on how Boon Yee and Boon Xin got drenched.
How to get wet at USS Waterworld

Acrobatics and all sorts of boats engage each other, there are plenty of pyrotechnics.

(Experience 4.5/5, for water fun and cool interaction)

Even Jurasic Park’s Rapids Adventure is less “wet” than Waterworld. We had expected a lot more splash and thrills.

If only the fall is steeper and longer…
pimp myspace with Gickr
(Experience 4/5)

Poor T-Rex terrorised by kids, they can always entertain themselves.

Jurassic park or Lost world, a pity the queue for Canopy Flyer is so long!
(Experience 4.25/5, but we refuse to queue 1 hour for a 1 min ride)

Shrek 4D, follow Shrek as he raced with Donkey to save Princess Fiona.
(Experience 3.75/5)

(image credit USS)

Madagascar carousel, we got to Move-It Move-It with the nasty Auntie, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, penguins and King Julian.

(Experience 3.25/5)

We float around in a crate, and discover the Madagascar stars hiding in the shipwreck.

(Experience 3/5)

Minions everywhere, even Boon Yee is in Yellow! There is a dedicated Minion outlet in “Hollywood” now.
Minions Souvenirs Universal Studios

Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase, it would be fun if we can help Big Bird shoot down the enemies.

(Experience 3/5)

We have been playing at USS since 9am, kids are tired but we are determined to catch
Hollywood Dream Parade at 5pm.
Dream Parade USS, Dream Parade timing

King Julian and casts

Everyone from Shrek production also appear, dragon included.

Jurasic Park, and casts.

Bye bye Monroe, we meant Hollywood Dream Parade. Do take note Hollywood Dream Parade is only available during weekends (schedules on USS website)

(Experience 4.5/5, the parade performers drum up the atmosphere)

Video : Universal Studios rock!

Thank you for the invite, USS !
Universal Studios Singapore

Additional Tips :
– make Transformer 3D your first ride!
– take note of ride’s height limits here, ushers are very strict
– we ran out of time to complete Lights, Camera, Action!(New York), Revenge of the Mummy(Egypt) and Enchanted Airways(Far Far away)
– follow Universal Studios for latest updates on Website, Fanpage and Instagram

– Carpark is expensive, one whole day at RWS can cost $28, we blog about alternative carpark and Adventure Cove here
– our Sea Aquarium experience
– USS’ 1st Easter Egg Hunt adventure
– More USS photos available on our Fanpage album

Easter Egg hunting at Universal Studios

[ Media Invite ]

We caught a preview of Universal Studios Singapore’s Easter Festival celebrations. From 18Apr to 13May, Hollywood and New York Streets will be transformed into Easter Egg Island.

This is Universal Studios’ (USS) first ever park wide egg hunt, and we understand thousands of colourful eggs await you from 18-20 Apr 🙂

During the Easter Weekend Special(18-20Apr), you can enjoy a special Easter breakfast buffet, and participate in USS’ park-wide egg hunt (USS has 7 worlds!). You can also paint some Easter eggs.

After a sumptuous breakfast at Marty’s Casa Del Wild, kids dashed out with a basket each.

Eggs galore ! The colourful eggs were not really hidden, and kids only took a few minutes to fill up their basket. It was quite hilarious to watch the kids trying to put all their eggs into their own basket.

Back at the food court, kids help themselves to eggs painting…

.. or they can crack open the eggs to discover sweet candies inside.
Easter Egg goodies

We took a 10 min walk from Madagascar to New York to catch a special Easter Bunny performance.

This Easter Bunny can Jam and rocks !

Visitors can greet the Bunny too, students from Metta school enjoying their Bunny moments.

Bubbles always bring out the smiles from the kids.

Video : Easter Egg Hunt at USS

More photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.

Our kids spend an enjoyable morning at USS. They got to enjoy their breakfast, eggs hunting and painting, and mingle with buddies again.

Thank you Universal Studios for the Fun invitation.

Our photos have been uploaded to our Fanpage album. We hope your family will enjoy the long weekend ahead and have a memorable Easter Holiday too.

USS Easter Festival promotions can be found at this link. Do take note the egg hunt is only available during Easter Weekend from 18 to 20Apr :

– Adults – $118
– Child – $93
– Senior – $81

Package is inclusive of :
– 1-Day Pass to Universal Studios Singapore
– Easter Breakfast Buffet at Marty’s Casa Del Wild Food Court
– Early entry to the park at 8am onwards for Egg Hunt followed by breakfast

More updates about Universal Studios (USS) and Resort World Sentosa (RWS) can be found at their website or Fanpage.