Read With Me Mommy


In our family, Daddy is doing the reading, but kids do not mind. As long as they get good stories, captivating animations, everyone should enjoy some quality reading time.

Read With Me Mommy recently invited us to review their Chinese storybooks. We chose Volume 1 of “Shapes” as Daddy thought Boon Yi(6) and Boon Xin(4) would love the six fables. Volume 1 talks about “Friendship and Kindness” (友爱互助).

Maybe Boon Xin loves to say “don’t want to be your friend“, so Daddy wish to let her know friends are important.

We love the big fonts on the picture book, allowing the kids to follow us through the storyline. For parents who are picking up Chinese again (after decades), the Hanyu Pinyin will be helpful. On the last pages, a full English translation is available.

The six titles under Volume (1) are listed here. The three volumes of “Shapes” are ideal for kids between 3 to 7 years old.

Volume 2 and 3 talks about “Use Your Intelligence” and “Look Before You Leap” respectively.

Every story will always end with a moral summary, often encouraging kids to pick up good habits and attributes.

Boon Xin loves The Grumpy Tree (爱发脾气的大树). It tells the story of a unfriendly tree who chase away all his friends. The Tree later realised that friends will always standby us, and help us in our times of need.

“友情是可贵,要好好珍惜” (Friendship is precious, we must treasure it)

“Read with me Mommy’s” Marketing-team would love to share the love of reading with more people. There are two promotions for SengkangBabies’ readers :

1) The Store will be giving away one volume of “Shapes” worth $45 to a lucky reader :
a. Like ReadWithMeMommy and SengkangBabies fanpage
b. Answer this simple question on our Fanpage. Which volume (1, 2 or 3) do you like and why?

c. Contest ends 03Feb 2300, and winner will be randomly picked

2) From now till end February, in line with Chinese New Year, customers who key “SengKangBabies” during checkout, will get a 8% off all their purchases + free local delivery + 5% return voucher.

** Do take note above promotions are only valid for Singapore based customers.

About Read With Me Mommy Bookstore:
Read With Me Mommy Bookstore puts together chinese storybooks for young children. Each product is specially selected and reviewed. For every book, we have included a short description in English to enable parents who has lost touch with Chinese language to be able to better understand the content of the book that they are buying.

The Store shares with us that their most popular series are from “我会读” (I can read). Consisting of 5 levels, it uses a progressive approach to aid parents in the teaching of Chinese language to their kids.

We hope that more families can start to pick up a Chinese book and start reading to their child at home. With early exposure to Chinese, we hope that it can cultivate their liking for the language from young.

We recommend Eyelet Junior for active kids

[ Sponsored ]

Thanks to Nanyang Optical, our eldest boy Boon Wee got a new pair of Eyelet Junior eyewear recently.

As we had mentioned earlier, bespectacled kids should not let their eyewear disrupt them from enjoying sports. Eyelet Junior is designed with active kids in mind.

Eyelet’s tagline is “Stable on your face”, and they got a question for parents :
Would simply getting the right prescription be an assurance of good visual solution?

There are many factors which can affect a child’s vision:
a) Sliding spectacle should not be one of them. This happens easily when kids perspire.

b) Kids like to pull their spectacles out with one hand, instead of “sliding” the spectacles out with two hands. Over time, the temples (sides) will be lopsided.

With above two issues, it means kids’ eyeball and lens focusing-alignment will be out. Eyeballs will be straining to adjust to new “focusing” length.

Enter Eyelet Junior, this eyewear stays stable on your face even when you’re moving about ! This is true even for kids who participates actively in sports.

Eyelet’s unique design allow the frame grips our face’s contours comfortably.

Our friendly optician at CompassPoint’s Nanyang Optical help us to understand good eye habits, and how Eyelet Junior can help us.

Some recommended Eyecare Tips/ Good Habits :
– Reading distance must be minimum 30cm between eyeball and book
– no lying down to read storybooks
– ensure bright illumination, so eyes need not strain
– taking a break from computer game or TV program every 30min

Boon Wee has a bad habit, he likes to see from the side of his eyes. We hope Eyelet, together with “Zeiss MyoVision” will train his eyeballs to look straight.

Modeling time, Boon Wee gets to choose his preferred colour 🙂

Boon Wee has his specs for almost two weeks now, and we are convinced that Eyelet junior is suitable for active kids.

Our boy mentioned that sweat will not flow to the front of his specs, and blur his vision. When he plays basketball or badminton, the frame grips better and will not slide.

Mummy loves the lightweight frame, and Daddy loves the Eyelet design. We love how “Zeiss MyoVision” lens keep Boon Wee’s eyeballs focus at the same spot. The lens are coated in such a way that only vision through the center is clear, and the sides, blur. Kids will instinctively train their eyeballs to the center.

…some more Eyelet Junior benefits.

Eyelet frame might not be the cheapest, but we recommend you to trial it first. See how Eyelet will help your kids cope with myopia.

Nanyang Optical is running some promotions now.
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Eyelet Jr + Zeiss MyoVision Lenses + FREE $20 Popular Vouchers = $338 (1.5 lenses)/$438 (1.6 lenses)

Extra Perks for NTUC Link Members:
With purchase of above special package, receive a pair of kids’ branded sunglasses worth $138 FREE!
*Barbie, Hot Wheels, Transformers, Titeus. Limited to 1st 100 pairs.

Both promotions ends 30 Nov.
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We are grateful for the opportunity to review Eyelet Junior, and with Nanyang Optical’s sponsorship, we are glad to giveaway a pair of Eyelet Junior frame worth $180 to one lucky fan :

1. Like Fanpages Nanyang Optical and SengkangBabies.
2. On our Fanpage, share with us one special feature about Eyelet Junior frames that makes it suitable for kids and active adults.

3. Contest will end on 11 Nov 11pm, and winner will be randomly picked.

Get more information about Nanyany Optical and Eyelet from the following links : Optical

Credits.. the poster and technical references belong to Nanyang Optical.