Sisters Islands Intertidal walk

Boon Kang would like to swim in Sisters Islands (姐妹岛)’ lagoons. This pair of Southern islands have been designated as Singapore’s first marine park.

When we arrived at Sisters’ Island (big island) pier, sky is still dark. During this period, the tide is lowest, thus optimal to spot the marine creatures.

With coconut trees swaying by the coastline, the backdrop could be a beach resort from Malaysia or Thailand. (sing Sisters’ Island, Sunny Island Set in the Sea)

Amazing sunrise from across the horizon.

All of us are eager to explore Singapore’s first Marine Park.

Map of Singapore’s offshore islands. Sisters’ Islands are directly below Sentosa.
Map of sisters Island
(map credit

The visitors are split into three groups, there are two lagoons on Big Sisters’ Island. As the tide is still low, we can walk straight into the lagoon.

Some of the plants and creatures which can only be seen during low tide. (Apologies as Daddy do not have the name for most of them). Our friendly guides will be most helpful to answer your queries 🙂

(From Left to Right) Anemone shrimps on the carpet anemone, Sea worm’s poo, and a single stalk of mangrove seedling.

Fluted Giant clam (we heard it is a delicacy) and Brain coral.

Guess why this snail is called Moon Snail? (hint: its egg case is round)

Starfish spotting. For some of us, this is the first time we are seeing the starfishes so near.

These starfishes are very well camouflaged, and they like to burrow themselves into the seabed.

Dead crab and rubbish can be seen littering the floor. Some of the rubbish float in during high tide and most rubbish are man-made.

For the kids, this is a fun and interactive outdoor classroom. Our guides will share which sea creatures we can touch. (gently please, and maybe leave the crab alone).

Forget about pepper crab, this Red Egg crab is not edible. Below pic is some sort of sea slug (Nudibranchs).

A tiny Octopus and Black flatworm (looks harmless but it actually leech itself onto its prey and suck them dry!). These creatures are placed in pails for us to understand more about them and they are released at the end of our trip.

Video : Tour of Sisters’ Island

Enthusiastic visitors soak up every nugget of information from our guides.

Patches of beautiful green seaweed, like an underwater meadow.

As our guide Ria is showing us the difference between seaweed and seagrass, offshore refineries are just across the sea.

Huge containers and oil tankers ply the busy waterway of Singapore, yet the marine diversity in Singapore’s offshore islands continues to thrive!

Not sure what is this plant, but it stands resolutely on its own. Against the elements, determined to flourish. A green petal of Life.

Exploration is possible on dry land too. We found so many casuarina seeds, and grasshoppers are thriving on this island (near extinct on mainland).

Fauna on the island.

As the tide slowly rises, we have come to the end of our 90 minutes tour.

Little bit of Sisters’ Islands history.

Before we board the ferry, try to spot the corals under the jetty.

Bye Bye Sisters’ Islands and our guides 🙂

The brothers enjoy their Sisters’ Islands trip. Although wading in the water with soggy socks might be uncomfortable, they still love the refreshing experience.

(image credit Pei Yan)

Tips to enjoy your Sisters’ Islands trip :

1) The ferry departs punctually from Pasir Panjang terminal. Do arrive early as the way in is not straightforward
2) If you are prone to seasick, do prepare a plastic bag. The Ferry is confined and air conditioned
3) At Sisters’ Island, follow your guide’s instruction. Try to walk in a single file as we want to sustain (and not kill) the marine life environment
4) Wear your bootie, boots or just wear your old running shoes. Socks will be wet, sandy and soggy. Enjoy the experience.
5) Monkeys inhabit the islands, do not expose your food or feed them
6) There is a toilet facility on the Island

** There are four more Sisters’ Islands tours before the end of 2014 (evenings slots). Do pop by Nparks link for the next schedule. Quick fingers are needed as many families will be trying to register.

7) Nparks’ Sisters’ Islands tours are Free. If you charter your own boat, it will be $300+

8 ) Ria (in black with bandana) was our Chek Jawa guide last round. She runs the popular nature website/blog Wildshores of Singapore which offers nature trails too. Do pop by her detail Sisters’ Islands review here, here and here (2014Sep weekend).

9) Video : You must catch the paranomic overhead view of the two lagoons from a Drone’s view (courtesy of Pei Yan)

A big Thank You to Nparks for organising this Fun trip, and our friendly and knowledgeable guides too! (Ria Tan and Pei Yan, and nParks’ Collin, Guan Xiong and Alice)

Click for more images.

More Sisters’ Islands photos can be found on our Fanpage album.
Checkout other intertidal walks from Sengkangbabies too, Chek Jawa and Pulau Semakau.

Longkang fish at Bishan Park

At Bishan Park, you see Happy Folks everywhere. But those hunting for longkang fish (literally drain fish) should be happier :p

Families are out in force. Cyclist, joggers, scooters and picnics. Everyone is happy, humans and dogs. There is a dedicated area for our four-legged friends, and skating.

And we wonder why our little mermaid is beaming from cheek to cheek.

Take a look around, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park is very scenic, with bridges, greens and reflections off the meandering water bodies.
Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park

The Sunday weather was perfect, beautiful landscaping and a lively park!
We Sengkang-Babies are jealous!

The wading water and reeds is not only attractive to the fishes, but humans too (both young and old)

At Bishan Park 2, the herons and egrets are not drawn to scale, but we saw a heron which was taller than Boon Xin, perched and ready to pounce on unsuspecting fishes. It goes to show that the fish population in Bishan is thriving.

(Image credit Nparks)

Mcdonald(2) is a good meeting point for friends, and our fishing spot was at Point 1(refer map above), infront of Block 241.

Herding the fishes into a corner, kids initially tip toe in the stream, taking all precautions to stay dry.

But after a few slips, and splash, they let go of all inhibitions. When your pants and t-shirts are wet, when you have no more reservations, kids threw themselves into the streams !

A few families even join us in the stream, you can hear our laughter and excitement flowing down Bishan park!

Video : We love this time lapse video from Brice Li, showing Bishan Park’s transformation, from concrete canal to naturalised stream.

Daddy still remembered the concrete canal last time. It was where he spend his childhood days catching guppies (real guppies!), Daddy told us he could catch guppies with just a swipe of his foot (sure or not!)
Concreate drain. long kang fish

Anyway, kids were happy with their catch. Some longkang fish, some snails (remember Saizeriya’s escargots?), and we even spot some snail eggs.

The water is not exactly crystal clean, we saw rubbish and debris in certain section of the stream. We learn that a big storm can flood Bishan Park and unload more rubbish from upstream (something like this video)

Do not go barefoot, as there are debris and the stones can be slippery.

If you have seen the storm-video above, you understand why we will need to dash above the red marker, should the siren be activated.

Kids are very cooperative today and we rewarded them with some fries and ice cream.

Next, we head to the sandy playground(map point 3) for more fun, kids do not wish to leave Bishan Park yet.

We hear laughter at every corner. Climbing, swinging, sandcastle, so many activities.

Video (Link) : We love Bishan Park, Dry or Wet!

If you are “fishing ” at point 1, the toilet and taps would be about 50m above point 1( refer map), do not go Mcdonald and change.

If you prefer cleaner water, do pop by Lower Seletar reservoir.

This park was re-opened in 2012, and this is our first visit after 2 years 🙂
But you can be sure that we will be back to explore Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park 1 (Pond Gardens).

Meanwhile, checkout Cheekiemonkies’ review of the playgrounds at Park 1. We would like to thanks Tan Family for contributing their Fun photos.

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More Fun facts about Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park (Daddy still prefer to call it Bishan Park) :

Nparks has maps of Pond Gardens (Park 1) and River Plains (Park 2).
– PUB has a cool 360 degrees interactive map
– Video – amazing top view of Bishan Park from the top (Phantom)

If you are driving, Block 241’s carpark (s570241) is nearest to Mcdonald Carpark.
From nParks website, these are the buses :
– services 132, 133, 136, 165, 166, 169 and 262 from Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange
– service 410 from Bishan MRT Station

– You must pop by our Fanpage for more Fun photos.
– Interested to Find grasshoppers too? Pop by our catch.