Fun experience at Home Team festival

You know it must be FUN when Boon Yee and Boon Xin are trying to stop the Red Truck !

Daddy told us the “ang3 chia1” (literally Red car) was primary used to suppress riots. On the news, we have seen water cannon (not your usual shower head) and stinging cocktails deployed to disperse rioters or crowd. No one is getting pepper spray wet today :p

Police PTU, Anti Riot Red Truck

Normally, it is not FUN to be stopped by Traffic police (TP), but last Sunday, kids were happily posing with TP’s mean machines !

Daddy is proud to announce that we did not receive any summon during last weekend’s Home Team Festival.

kids with Yamaha bike, TP Yamaha bike

And many families were eager to get up close with the favourite elusive Volvo, and best of all, Home Team Festival was Free !
Traffic Police vehicles, TP Volvo

2013 is Home Team’s inaugural open house, and the theme was “Safe Home, Our Secure Nation”.

Nearer to our home, we wonder how CCTV can help keep our neighbourhood safer.
CCTV neighbourhood, cctv lift landing

Nope, Singapore has strict gun laws (unlike United states), Daddy told us we do not need to buy pump gun at Walmart. The only pistol/gun/rifles we have do not need ammunition, we just need water.

Kids has an opportunity to steer a patrol vessel too, although Boon Xin was attempting a donut (drift).

We are telling you the Home Team’s showroom is more happening then those along Ubi or Leng Kee ! Our rides come in black or red, and some are even armour plated !

No wonder Boon Xin is smiling so broadly πŸ™‚
Home team exhibition, home team open house

Boon Yee tried to enrolled for Sengkang’s Police vigilante group. Daddy told him he must grow more muscle to wield the shield and baton first.
kids with police baton and shield

Boon Xin was more interested in her light sabre (KL Kidzania has one identical rod)

Scdf red rhino

Kids always look adorable when they are riding over-sized Yamahas or Red-Scorpions !
SCDF Red scorpian

What happens when our MRT has an incident? We fondly remembered our tunnel walking experience at Sengkang MRT Depot.
MRT evacuation, Mrt tunnel walk

We saw the mini me “truck” roll off from a Hazmat truck during 2013 NDP. Pretty cool.

Scdf Hazmat truck

We have not seen this armed truck before, it belongs to the fierce Gurkha unit.
gurkha truck

Even Riot police are not exempted from ERP haha πŸ™‚

Police van and prison bus on display too. Cool.
Police van and prison bus

Other activities spotted at the festival. The rock wall is intimidating, and where is K9 canine?

Besides the vehicles, Daddy suspects Family section is the next most popular with kids.

Kids get to wear their favourite Police or Fireman uniforms. At another corner, they can be CSI (forensic) or CID detectives too !
kids roleplay policeman fireman, kids policeman fireman uniform

Kiddy rides in Police patrol or Fireman’s jeep. Too cool !
kiddy rides, police and fire engine kiddy rides

To garner a smile from the kids, this ride is worth the 30 or 40 minutes queue.

We always reinforce the importance of “Look Right, Look Left”.

Video – Home Team Festival is too cool ! Catch Boon Yee attempts to conquer the “endless ladder”

We love SAF’s open-houses (be it Air Force, Navy or Army), and this is our first Home Team Open house. Judging by the non-stop high beam and horning at the Vehicle gallery, we suspect kids (and families) are shouting for an encore πŸ™‚

Great Work organisers! We hope to attend more Home Team open houses in the near future.

It would be cool if organisers can build a prison cell for future open house. Show the kids why it is miserable to lose their freedom.

** Do pop by SengkangBabies album for more exhibition photos.

More details :
– Post event details and photos can be found at Home Team Festival and Singapore Police Force fanpage.

– Read about Police Tactical Unit (PTU) at this link

– Did you know SPF has a Police Heritage Centre? We visited the museum in 2011

– if your Resident Commitee (RC) is organising a MRT evacuation drill with SMRT, sign up quickly. Our kids were impressed when the MRT’s front door unfold to reveal the tracks.

– Video : Interested in the Red Cars? CrimeWatch has an episode on PTU.

Navy Open house photos

Last sat, Daddy brought two boys to Navy Open House. Although we arrive at Expo 0800, there was already a long queue infront of us !

The boys have insisted ask Daddy to bring them to catch some Archer and Chinook after the earlier media preview for bloggers.

Daddy knew it would be tough to ballot for a cruise on one of the battleships, so we headed for the the Navy’s Endurance class platform. Imagine swimming three laps of 50m and you get an idea of the Singapore Navy’s largest vessel. A Chinook can even land on the 141m vessel’s helipad!

Endurance weighs 6500 ton, but needs only a crew of 65, this is only possible with a hugh amount of automation.

Nice view from the cabin!

Did you know that Endurance (207) was the first LST (Landing Ship Tank) to reach Meulaboh after the 2004 earthquake Tsunami? SengkangBabies are extremely proud of 207’s dedication !

On every vessel which we inspected, we always found loving “family” photos. From weddings to newborns, to holidays port-calls, we see how Navy family celebrate everything together.

More importantly, the Navy family donated money, blood and provided moral support when their comrade Mr Jason Chee was seriously hurt. Kudos to the Navy !

Back to serious business. We simulated a intruder-alert in the war room, and very soon, Boon Wee dispatch a Seahawk to dip the sonar. (the 0930 Dynamic display audience did not know about SengkangBabies’ involvement :p )

R&R time, how do Navy personal spend their free time on board? Watch TV, surf internet, or sleep? Kids ask where is the buffet counter, hello this is Endurance, not Star Cruise :p

Daddy show the boys something which Star Cruise does not have. FCU (Fast Craft utility) rides !

Must watch Video : This FCU ride is our best experience !

This is our 2nd FCU experience, the 1st one was during 2012’s Army Open House πŸ™‚

After we disembark from the LST, we head to the Family tent for more Fun.

More cute standees for Boon Kang.

From all the ships, you will not miss the steep and narrow stairways ! In rough weather, non-seaman would struggle to stand still without swaying, imagine how our Navy friends descend the flight of stairway !

Another observation, fire extinguishers and suppression system are everywhere. When a fire breakout on a vessel, it must be contained, period. On land, people can run from a building, but how do you ditch a vessel? The passageway is narrow, stairs are steep. In an emergency, everyone is a fireman.

There are six submarines in 171 Squadron. One of the challengers decided to get a suntan. From the modeling kits, we realised the Archer family is longer than the Challenger.

We say Ahoy to Intrepid again, we met her at Vivocity earlier in Apr. This time round, we got to board the Frigate.

Seeing the pots of aster in-front of us, Boon Kang got an itch to arm and discharge a few salvos ! Daddy told him to sign on Navy in 10 years.

Click for more details about Frigate’s armament.

(credit image Aster launch)

On land, queues have formed at every exhibit πŸ™‚

Note to Open house coordinators, please do not let Mao Shan Wang be the exclusive ice cream again. Kids want the normal cornetto ice cream, and besides, not all foreigners appreciate the pungent fruit haha.

At 1430, we got ready for the Dynamic Show.

We witness how Navy and other operatives integrate to hammer the pirates.

Daddy hopes the next Navy Open House will feature an Archer surfacing infront of the spectators (something like this Dutch Sub blowing). If budget permits, maybe add some fireworks or pyrotechnics for the effects :p

Daddy show us the difference between Missile corvette and Frigate. Daddy say Missile corvette has a remote aeroplane at the rear (bow).

Lastly, we boarded Navy’s minesweeper. The Bedok family (Bedok, Katong, Punggol and Katong) are tasked with keeping Singapore’s sea-lanes free of mines.

Boon Wee ask whether there is a vessel christened Sengkang?

Kids try to engage their Typhoon on another target. Fortunately, there are “Do Not Touch” reminders for the kids.

We found out that “Head” refers to toilet in Navy lingo on board the Bedok. There is a warning on the toilet door indicating “All Heads out-of-bound during Mine Hunting !”

Video : Other NOH activities

Navy Open House is only possible with the dedication and sacrifices of our Navy folks. While we enjoy the rides, exhibits and experience, Navy family have to sacrifice their own family time. We can only imagine the planners’ logistics and security nightmares.

Thank you Singapore Navy, for another exiting weekend ! Boon Wee and Boon Kang are seriously consider signing on.

Have you seen our FCU video already, you should bring your kids for a fun ride at the next open house. As usual, more Navy Open Housephotos are uploaded on our Fanpage.

SAF efforts in 2004’s Tsunami hit areas
SengkangBabies was invited to preview NOH 2013 earlier
– Visit to Sembawang camp, the elite FrogMan (NDU)