Wet Hello Kitty run, but SUPER Fun!

[ Media Invite ]

You seldom see Daddy (and boys) wear Pink Hello Kitty t-shirts. But we had to make an exception for Hello Kitty’s biggest fan, Boon Xin.

If the girl loves it, Daddy will even pose girly photos with plush toys haha (Hello Kitty Goodies bags collection earlier)

Nevermind the vehicle and human jams, never mind the downpour. 17,000 feline fans had gathered at Harbour Front area for Hello Kitty run.

Everyone was eager to paste some cute tattoos.

Infront all Gloomy, but behind us all Sunny :p

Those standing near the front sang “Happy Birthday” with Hello Kitty and Daniel.

(image credit Hello Kitty Fun Singapore Fanpage)

But why Hello Kitty never sing “Rain rain go away”? Cats and dogs pour down on Sentosa, and many families took shelter.

Although our underwear is not really soaked, we still have Fun and Wet photos to share :p
sentosa Hello Kitty

Met the super garang Cheekiemonkies, who chiong all the way in the rain 🙂


Due to the heavy rain, there was a huge jam at the finishing point. Everyone was queuing to get their Hello Kitty Run finisher medal. Those who fail to get their medals can pop by Hello Kitty Run Singapore Fanpage for instructions.

Video : Hello Kitty Run Singapore 2014

Kudos to the Hello Kitty organisers!
Although there was some hiccups at the end point, the volunteers stood in the rain to guide the runners. Running in the rain was a FUN experience for many families and friends.

Goodies bags collection (earlier) and the shuttle buses back to Vivocity was orderly and prompt.

Kids try to decorate our courtesy XC90 into a wedding car :p

Happy 40th Birthday Hello Kitty! You still look so cute 🙂

More updates :
– email info@hellokittyrun.com.sg to collect your finisher medals
Hello Kitty Run Singapore fanpage
– Photos from Running Kaki too
– Instagram photos #HelloKittyRunSG

– pop by our family runs at Energizer and Army Safra
– all our Hello Kitty photos uploaded on SengkangBabies Fanpage

(Visit our 5km runs, Safra , Energizer, Sundown, HelloKitty, ZooRun, Justice League)

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

6 thoughts on “Wet Hello Kitty run, but SUPER Fun!”

    1. Yes Elizabeth, I thought it was Fun for the kids to play in the rain.
      They will remember the wet experience for years to come 🙂

      Now everyone is witch-hunting those who sell their medals online haha.
      cheers, Andy

    1. Yup Grace, those earlier batch fare slightly better with the Sun. For us, the downpour started even before we reach the start line.
      Kids enjoy the splashing (I meant short walk) when the rain has subsided 🙂

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