Relaxing Sekinchan Trip

This is our second Sekinchan trip (适耕庄). We wanted to enjoy the relaxing padi fields again, and visit nearby 天空之镜 Skymirror .

Sekinchan is about 5 hours (430km) from Singapore. But the trip will be easier if we have a few stopovers. I will list down the estimated time and distance from Singapore, GPS coordinates and where we enjoyed our meals.

Take note time is for estimation only, as we drives at different speed.

0645 to 0900 Tuas Malaysia checkpoint

Jams at the customs are beyond our control, and can make or break the trip enthusiasm. With small kids, prepare tons of attraction or food to distract them, and plastic bag for bladder situations!

*Try out Beat The Jam! app, it can give real time estimation of queues at both customs, and even forecast best-time.

We drove 1 hour to Yong Peng, about 80km from Tuas checkpoint.

1030 To 1100 Yuan Yean Fishball 西刀鱼圓
(GPS 2.011111, 103.063056). (rated 3.75/5)

This is one of the popular stopovers in Yong Peng. I told the kids that Yong Peng’s significance ( and smaller tributaries road too) have been reduced due to North South Highway.

Located between KFC and Caltex, look out for the red building.
We would recommend the fishball, fishcake and otah.

Do not eat too much as road ahead is still long.

We did noticed more speed cameras along North South highway, be vigilant and slow down when you see other cars slowing down near hot spots.

Speed Limit for NS Highway is 110kmh, but I normally drive faster.
Use Waze app to get advanced notification of spot-checks ahead 🙂

1230 to 1300 Kfc Bridge at Ayer Keroh (real name is Restoran Jelantas)

(GPS 2.397665 102.220007) is about 115km from Yong Peng. This is the iconic bridge which spans across NS Highway. Exit left when you see the R&R sign for Jelantas.

KFC, A&W and Baskin Robbin’s are waiting. This might be where you wish to top up your petrol for the next 200km, or short toilet break.

Image credit Google Map

1400 to 1500 Drive 130km to Klang area (Exit 214 Nilai Exit, drive towards KLIA and Shah Alam direction)

There are plenty of good food in Klang. These are the ones we visited to/fro from our trip. In fact, food hunting in Klang was high on our Sekinchan Trip itinerary 🙂

1)Restoran Peng Heong (GPS 3.048364, 101.444857) (Rated 4/5)
This is coffee shop, not restaurant. Delicious Hakka food, famous for pork rib. and many others.

Appetising home cooked style, we all love the fried round meatball.

Look for this mosque as you are navigating towards the stall.

2) Regent Pandan Layer Cake (GPS 3.040869, 101.45194) (Rated 4.25/5)

Looks like Bangawan Solo type of pandan cake. But Klang’s version is less sweet and super addictive. Must consume within 2 hours, or keep in fridge.

Please call “+60 3-3371 8382” beforehand to reserve your cake.

*The distance between the food venues are near but the road congestion is bad. Streets are narrow and you need to filter quite frequently.

Try to follow your GPS and exit from the Round-About!
Next, try to ensure your convoy can catch up.

3) Restoran 158 (GPS 3.010268, 101.419470) (rated 3.75/5)

We visited this 肉骨茶 Bak Kut Teh on our return trip. There are many Bak Kut Teh stalls along this stretch of roads.  We reach around 1130 but most of the good stuffs already sold out.

We highlighted another Bak Kut Teh (under the bridge) in our previous trip.

Do not expect super hygienic premise, but we guarantee the soup stork are good 🙂

From Klang, Sekinchan is only 80km away. We arrived around 4pm and drove one round for the sunset view.

Sekinchan Trip
Sekinchan Trip


适耕庄Fields might turn yellow during harvesting period around end May or Nov. Wind down the windows and enjoy the breeze and view. You might see sparrows flying in unison too.

PadiBox homestay
(GPS 3.492957, 101.114076)


Love our colouful containers, which stands out among the surrounding padi fields. Every window let us peep out to green “meadows”.

Nintendo Mario (wow old school), cycling and billiards kept us entertained.

Our previous container stay at Farmville was a warm experience in the afternoons, even after we full-blast the aircon. PadiBox containers are ok with the aircon. (Maybe Farmville is better now)

Spacious bunk beds for everyone, with a morning view. Do take note this is a 6-pax family room, the smaller rooms might not have a window.

Love the green views !

Looks so poetic right 🙂


It is cheaper to book direct, rather than
PadiBox website here.

N.16 cafe the bus is just next to Padibox
(Gps 3.492867, 101.114068) (rated 3.5/5)

We noticed folks streamed non-stop to visit this bus. Quite a novelty to enjoy your lunch while enjoying the scenery all around.

Food is very Instagrammable too, go for the chicken chop.
(not that there are many options on the menu)

However, beverages and cheese cake are so so only.

We will share more from our Sekinchan trip in the next post. Meanwhile, you may read the following posts and photos first.

Previous 2016 Sekinchan Trip (Farmville stay)
Skymirror trip (Bagan Datoh)
Driving tips for Malaysia
2022 11D10N Road trip to Penang

Sekinchan blog
Sekinchan blog

-2018 3D2N Sekinchan Day 1 
-2018 3D2N Sky Mirror Day 2
Our 3D2N Photos are in our Facebook album, click here.

*We would recommend two more links for Klang food, read here and here.

Refer to our Our 2022 Penang Road Trip video on YouTube:

My Sento Experience

My one and only Sento experience was in Tokyo. Sento is a community bathhouse in Japan, and it is very common for Japanese folks.

Travellers crave for Onsen, but Sento offers another perspective. As an analogy, Singaporeans enjoy authentic food at Hawker Centre but tourists go to foodcourt and restaurants. To understand the locals better, go to a Sento.

The first question many will ask, what is the difference between Onsen and Sento. The Japanese translations are 温泉 and 銭湯 respectively.

Read on and you might find Sento appealing too.
I could do a Sento everyday, if time permits 🙂


Long time ago, not every home has a shower facility, much less hot water. So Japanese go to bathhouses for a soak and relaxation.

Jakotsuyu 蛇骨湯 is in Asakusa (quite near to Sensoji Temple), there are at least 3 bathhouses within 20 minutes walk from my hostel. The bathhouse which I went was 95% Japanese patrons. I saw some Korean, Taiwanese and even a few Caucasians. I might be the only Singaporean. Non-Japanese might be curious about Sento, just like me.

What are the difference between Onsen and Sento?

Both requires you to go butt naked (no underwear).
You will sit on stools and scrub yourself clean before entering the water.
Both are normally segregated by gender.
Onsen usually use hot spring waters, but sentos normally use hot water.

Those bath scenes in Japan Hour where you have public pools offering panoramic views of Mountains, Sunsets, Sea or Snow are usually Onsens.  Sentos are confined spaces, and we will likely see a huge mural of Mount Fuji 🙂

Onsen is more sensuous (read exclusive), while Sento is like you bathing with 30 others!

No swimming in the pool for both Onsen and Sento 🙂

Sento price

Sento is very popular with Japanese, many will socialise with colleagues or neighbours during their baths, or simply scrub or wash away office fatigues before heading home.

(Photo above)
Did I mention Sento entrance fee is ¥460 (Yen), which is only SGD 5.50!

No footwear

Sento Experience and tips

After selecting your Sento package at the vending machine, keep your shoes and approach the counter. You can rent a towel.

No 1 tip is try to look like a local, and not appear too apprehensive. Japanese will still know you are non-local :p

-Head towards the male section, and you will see guys in various stages of stripping. Just chill and strip, try to ignore the 20 pairs of eyes who might be eyeballing you wahaha!

-Keep your belongings in a locker (free) and keep the key

The first mistake I made was wearing my spectacles into the bath area!
My glasses immediately fog and everyone now know I am virgin Sento user (Silly me)

-(Step 1)Find a corner, sit on the stool and lather yourself with copious amount of shampoo or shower foam. Slowly rinse away the soap with a pail or scoop

-Onsen and Sento culture requires you to sit and wash, standing up would mean splashing water onto others (taboo!)

-Do Google for more Sento and Onsen etiquette

-Why my Sento water is brown in colour? Google told me this is natural mineral water colour, pumped from 1000m below

-Temperature of water can be hot, from 37 degrees to 42 degrees! Dip your toes before immersing whole body, no sulphur smell here.

-There are different pools to enjoy:

I loved the jacuzzi jets, soothing my sore muscle. I did not enjoy the tingling feel from the “electric” pool. YES, they ran a small current through the water eeeks! The electric pulses are supposed to improve our body health circulation, but my body says “No thanks”.

-VR 360 degree tour of interior (photo link)

Image credit Google Map

-Same as Onsen, first timers should step out of hot water after 15 minutes (just a guide). How long we can dip in hot (or cold) water is subjective, listen to your body.

-Photo above, the graphite pools are 17 degrees cooling pools. Alternate between Hot and Cold pools. You will feel your pores open and contract, feels like mini needles prickling but in a nice I-am-so-alive way  (you will be SHIVERING as you step into the cold pool!)

-After getting out of the cold pool, let your body temperature stabilise first. Sit on long stools, face the fake waterfall feature. There are real kois in the pond, close your eyes and soak in the Japan Hour moment 😁
(try to forget you are still naked, no one is seeing )

-Repeat this Hot Cold cycles as many times  as you like 🙂
I was in Jakotsuyu 蛇骨湯 for at least 1 hour, three cycles.

-Once you are done, repeat Step 1 and dry yourself.

-Buy a drink, Meiji milk recommended, and rest for a while. We need to replenish the loss fluids

-Blood circulation is still working hard. Do not return towel yet, as you will still perspire for a good 10 minutes

Mount Fuji in Sento wall

Before you book your Onsen and Sento session

Skin felt detox and so smooth.  But I also felt lethargic as the Sento experience really relaxed my body and soul. I just wanted to enjoy a hot bowl of Ramen (Ippudo is just 2 mins away) and go to sleep straight away.

-Not sure where is the nearest Sento or Onsen, just Google. You will have better luck using “銭湯 or 温泉” instead of “Public bath”.

-Do Google and find whether the Sento or Onsen establishment welcomes tattoo (Some in Japanese society still associate tattoos with Yakuza)

-Just in case, ensure your shortlisted Sento is not Gay 🙂
(There are some outlets which cater for LGBT needs )

-My Sento at Jakotsuyu 蛇骨湯 (GPS 35.712036, 139.792607) is crowded, but I can do this Japan bath everyday!

-You should have some Onsen experience before heading to a Sento. It can be an overwhelming and unnerving experience with so many male (or female) genitals walking around (keep your head and eyes up). For the same reason, I would not recommend sento experience for families.

-Sento is normally split into male and female sections, the huge Mount Fuji center might be the demarcation line. It is popular for couples to shower separately, and meet afterwards.

Be it Onsen or Sento experience, I find both appealing and relaxing. However, Sento might not be suitable for everyone.

I found the Sento experience liberating.
I had wanted to try Sento because I was curious and you know, YOLO factor.

First-timers maybe go in a group to bolster your courage.
Learn how Japanese enjoy public bathhouses culture.
Chit chat with locals and enjoy the majestic Mount Fuji mural.

More photos of Jakotsuyu 蛇骨湯 from Google Map here.
Hope you will enjoy your Japanese Bathhouse Sento experience too 🙂

Sento Experience
My first Sento Experience

This is one of the queer and weird experiences during my last trip to Tokyo. You may read about my Mario Kart (MariCar) and Kamakura experience too.

Read my Tokyo itinerary and see more photos on Instagram #SengkangBabiesJapan

We have some tips on how using Google Map to search for nearby attractions or cafes (link)