Forest Adventure at Bedok Reservoir

[sponsored event]

Last Sat, Sengkang Babies were invited to climb the trees at Bedok Reservoir’s Forest Adventure. Consisting of some obstacles in the trees, this playground caters to both kids and adults. We did an indoor variation at CentrePoint last year, and the kids had enjoyed themselves then.

We are back today to challenge ourselves again. Bedok Reservoir is actually a very nice park, and we saw a lot of families enjoying the sunny afternoon.

Forest Adventure’s trainers are very professional, but when you are up in the trees, you are on your own keke. Kids suit up their harness and helmet.

It is fun to watch the kids climb up and around gingerly.. watching for the next step or risk falling ooops. Even if you should slip, the harness will secure you in a safe manner.

Kang is always Mr Cool. He is afraid, but his face did not betray his emotion 🙂

Accompanied by parents’ encouraging words, kids strive to overcome their own fears. Parents get a sense of accomplishment, when kids brave their own inhibitions and cross another milestone.

Parents can rest assure, Forest Adventure adhere to strict safety protocols. This is important to prevent any unnecessary incidence.

For the adults’ rehearsal, Red-On is constantly reinforced. It means we MUST always have one point secured to our harness.

More ropes, and even a Tunnel to entertain the kids.

Kids are rewarded with Flying fox (Zip slide) after completing their course. If they finish their course within 60 minutes, they can go for unlimited Zips until the hour is up! Yipee !

Kids’ fun

NO throwing Stones at Daddy ! (50s)

What can you expect for the adults? Daddy actually thought he had more fun than the kids. Anybody above 1.4m can participate in adult’s Grand course, but kids under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult. As you will see later, some of the obstacles require you to
S-t-r-e-t-c-h your legs, and might prove impossible for a 1.4m kid :p

Daddy has a phobia of height, despite standing at 1.8m 🙂
Grand-Course offers Daddy an opportunity to overcome his HeighT phobia.

In addition, Daddy has to walk the talk, by proving that he needs to conquer his inner fears too. After all, Daddy keep telling Wei and Kang “ No Fear, just Do it !
If Daddy can do it, the kids will have a good example, however kids do not need to know Daddy’s legs went jelly up there (it is only 4 to 5 storeys high !)

Through 4 Sites, the player build up his confidence. Some obstacles look similar, but we must still exercise caution. The danger is always over-confidence or we forget the safety steps when we are too Tired or Fearful.

Just Remember there must always be ONE secured point on your harness !!

There are four Flying Fox challenge (Zip Slide) for the adults, with one Zip at 200m ! That should be sufficient to cater to all your adrenalin kicks !

Site 2 – Amazon Bridge comes with two lines only? It did not help that the wind was mighty gusty, and swaying Daddy to and fro ! Oh, and the kids are shouting Jump Jump !

Daddy would recommend that adults refrain from judging the kids (too much) during the kids’ course, otherwise the kids will taunt you when you are attempting adult’s Grand-course 🙂

Daddy felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of Site 2, as he has conquered his fear of height. Fortunately, Daddy did not lose face infront of the kids :p

Site 3 logos. These logos are our safety instructions.

Did you notice the different colour codes on the logos (Blue, Red, Black etc)? They represent the difficulty levels, Black is the toughest and you have plenty of “Blacks” in Site 2 !!

The Lord-of-the-Ring (Small Stirrups) at Site 3 nearly stopped Daddy. When you are tired, it is quite hard to slot your soles into the rings, and there is always a fear that you will slip …

While Daddy is struggling, the kids entertain themselves downstairs with ice creams and pebbles ! WOW !

At stage 4, you can feel the end is near, and adrenalin is still running high.
The ladder is getting longer, and part of the fun is losing your balance while climbing, swinging the ladders left and right !

“Tarzan Fall” near to the end of Site 4. You actually DROP two seconds, before you swing towards the net. Before you can shout TARZAN, you would have reach the net, Daddy is proud to be spiderman for the kids 🙂

We end Site 4 with another Zip Slide. For those above 1.8m, you can try to kick the branches when you glide overhead. After completing his Grand course, Daddy would find soldier’s OCS chicken feet keke!

If you have fun reading our blog, trust us, your adrenalin will be rewarded when you attend the tree-ventures yourselves ! Sengkang Babies managed to conquer our fears and enjoy some family time together.

=== === ===
1) Do not bring your precious DSLR up to the trees, it is challenging enough to navigate the course without thinking about how to protect your DSLR. Use a small P&S camera instead (in case you wish to camwhore up in the trees ). ** Your camera will definitely bear some bruises up there !

2) Kids’ course is 1 hour, and adults 2.5 hour. If you are stuck behind someone else, good luck !! Allocate enough carpark coupons.

3) For the parent downstairs, Daddy recommends a 200mm lens to capture the different facial expressions. Set your camera system to spot-metering and multiple-burst for sharper photos. There are a lot of backlight up in the trees, casting the faces into silhouettes.

4) For those experts, maybe you can mount a camera to your helmet, it would be fun to replay our experience.
5) Safety is paramount, always remember Red-On !

Forest adventure has some Easter activities planned for you.
06 to 08Apr – Kids can participate in a massive egg-hunt and stand to win edible chocolates 🙂 We heard a hugh Bunny will be onsite to surprise your kids.

06 to 31Apr – Enjoy 10% discount, when you make an online booking at ( Just add “Easter13” next to participant’s name, example “Easter13”.

a) Kids Course
For children from 5 years (minimum height 1.1m and maximum height 1.45m). The course has 16 stages including a 67m zip line. Completion time: 1hr. Price: $30.

b) Grand Course
For juniors (minimum height 1.4m) and accompanying parents/adults. The course has 34 obstacles including 4 giant zip lines and takes 2hr30mins to complete. Price: $40 for a junior below 18 and $42 for an adult.

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We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Forest Adventure and Impressions for inviting us to a fun fill afternoon 🙂 Awesome experience !

More details about Forest Adventure here –>
–> Watch how our friends Denver & Gladys conquer their fear too 🙂
More tree climing photos are rooted at SengkangBabies Fanpage.


Penang Day 2 – Hardrock Pool and nearby Macalister Road

After a goodnight’s sleep, the kids are anticipating a dip in
Hardrock’s signature pool and slides.

Watch the videos to see what we have been doing whenever we dip into the pool !

The cool Slides!

When we are thirsty or hungry, Banana split awaits at the pool bar.

We sign Wei and Kang for some Lil’ Rock-ventures. If parents wish, the kids can stay from 1000 to 2100, and learn dancing, language, and squeeze in water-play, movies, and paper aeroplane sessions in between.

We thought Yi and Xin would appreciate the indoor slides and caterpillars more. Smurf and Mr Bean entertain us in the afternoon.

.. more splashing water session with kids…

For dinner, we had planed to go to Mcalister Road, but alas the street was closed. So our Taxi uncle brought us to another hawker center further down.

Tips . Taxi drivers can be your food ambassadors, they know where to find the best food.
No, Gurney drive is too commercial and touristy, but I supposed our families of six would still prefer all-under-one-roof joint compared to a well hidden street-side stall 🙂

So what did we woof down? Some food are repeated, simply because they are that Good !
Example, the Kway Teow is different from our earlier experience at Long Beach (Batu Feringhi).

ps..I forgot the name of this location, but let your guide see this
Carrot-cake uncle, and they should be able to identify his GPS :p

Even when we got so many choices for our meals, we will always order one plate of rice. Poor Yi and Xin must have extra carbo and milk as the sour spicy dishes might not be good for their stomachs.

By the time we reach our hotel, the guitar has form a nice shadow over the hotel 🙂

Good night, and we shall continue our journey tomorrow…

** Our 4D3N Itinerary
Day 1 – Adventure Zone at Golden Sand Resort, dinner at Long Beach
Day 2 – Swimming and Club house (Lil Rock venture)
Day 3 – Butterfly Farm and Toy Museum
Day 4 – Sight seeing (Second bridge and Penang Sakura)

Do click our Fanpage album for more adventure photos !
