Do you want to be a Gopro Hero?

[ Daddy wants to be a Hero ]

SengkangBabies enjoying some water moments at Legoland Waterpark.

Thanks to our new GoPro Hero 3+ camera, our Fun factor and perspectives (video and photos) just went up a notch.

GoPro camera was designed for adrenaline junkies. Daredevils who like to skydive, surf and rock climb, or bungee jump, BMX and skateboard stunts. You get the dRiFt.

Holding the GoPro Hero 3+ in my hand, this fella has a small footprint (smaller than EZ-link card)! There are only three buttons, and everyone can start recording within a few minutes.

Ours is the GoPro Hero 3+ Silver, which cost $389 in June, and we got a free 32Gb microSD (worth $90) during the promotion. Mummy brought it for Daddy as a Father’s Day gift πŸ™‚

Although our family’s activities are not really “adrenalin pumping”, our capable GoPro has been following us on our adventures.

Our multitasking GoPro Hero 3+ Silver:
– underwater camera (comes with underwater casing)
– in-car camera
– selfie camera

Although the GoPro is cool, there are a few things which our GoPro Hero 3+ Silver cannot perform :
– GoPro can capture everything with fisheye lens, but cannot Zoom
– Night vision photo is not ideal and subject to shakes (like any other Point & Shoot cameras)
– There is no LCD for playback, and you can only aim and shoot (practice makes perfect)
– Themepark staffs might prevent you from GoProing on slides and rides, cover and concealment please :p

Gopro fisheye

The first accessory you need will be a stick, for stability and wefie (grab a 18″ or 36″). Once you are familiar with GoPro functions and your own requirements, more poisoning shopping available at GoPro website. Anyone need a drone?

Mount your GoPro on your stick, your dashboard or your running cap, even your snorkel mask πŸ™‚
Where to buy Gopro accessories

View your Videos and Photos wirelessly through GoPro app.

GoPro Hero cameras are really outstanding when it comes to videos!
Checkout some of our actions.

Legoland Waterpark on GoPro

All our Legoland posts

NDP rehearsal RHIB ride POV

Cloud Forest Waterfall

In car recording

Not sure whether Daddy will be skydiving or bungee jumping in his lifetime, but swimming with whalesharks seem easier to achieve. We say GoPRo Hero is ideal for family adventures.

Checkout this Oslob whaleshark link from the Philippines.

Checkout our favourite GoPro teacher MicBergsma. This chap has hundreds of tutorials and he is deaf (amazing how he conveys his instructions across!). He GoPros his pets too.

Be a Hero, grab a GoPro, Hero4 is already available.
(Website and Fanpage)

Do follow our adventures on Instagram and Fanpage.
SengkangBabies Social Media

..updated 2014Nov – Just heard Xiaomi will come up with a budget Gopro camera before end of 2014. It looks so identical!

Water bombs with kids!

Remember these water filled plastic bags?
We call them water bombs. $0.80 gets you 50 packs.

Daddy told the kids his childhood neighbours used to carpet-bomb unsuspecting passer-bys from the 6th storey!

One moment Dry, the next Wet! We conducted our war at Sengkang Riverside Park.

It was Fun (and wet) relieving Daddy and Mummy’s childhood memories. Passing “Fun traditions” over to the next generation.

Pail and Plastic bag checked.
Spare Underwear and tower checked :p
Teams members checked.
We even have our own team tactics.

Preparing our water ammunition.

Video : No aiming of water bombs at groin or face, kids started chasing each other πŸ™‚

Although Daddy and Mummy might not outrun the kids, we can certainly outwit them :p

We got 100 more packets left, let us GO get Wet again!

The afternoon water bombs session was also a great opportunity for the boys to destress from their exams.